A Mother’s Day Remembrance: a.k.a. the startling truth about my mother-in-law

A Mother’s Day Remembrance: a.k.a. the startling truth about my mother-in-law

Tickets that say live, love and giggle with inset photo Nancy's parents and Rick
Rick on the right, with Nancy’s parents.

(Told by Rick. Written by Nancy.)

I thought I knew my mother-in-law. I really thought I did. To me she seemed as perfect as any human could be. She always appeared so loving and pure. Then one day something happened to change all that. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the shock I felt when I discovered there was a whole other side of this woman. It was the moment I realized I’d never truly known her and what she was capable of.

At the time, my wife and I had been together for 14 years, married about 10.

Around age 60, my mother-in-law, Elaine, decided to become a massage therapist. It seemed the perfect fit for her, given her inexhaustible sense of caring for others.

She had already proven herself as an amazing cook. She was always preparing food for others. When we would go to visit, she tried to serve everyone’s favorites. As soon as I would emerge from the bedroom in the morning, she would have a cup of coffee waiting for me. And then, like any great short-order cook, she would start to whip up a hearty breakfast for me. She did it for me and then for the next person and the next. Cereal and toast were never enough for visitors at their home.

After their six children were grown, she became a CNA. She used the nursing assistant training to do home healthcare for a bedridden stroke victim. But she did more than care for the man. She offered tenderness and support to the man’s wife.

With her whole heart

Her forte in life was nurturing others. She did it wholeheartedly, and she did it always from a place of love.

Massage therapy was just one more way for her to tend to others.

In addition to the coursework she had to complete, she had to do a certain number of hours of practice massages. She offered massages to friends and family, and in return, they gave her feedback on the experience.

On one of our visits to their home, Elaine asked if I would like to be one of her volunteer clients/guinea pigs. Because my wife and others had all raved about how wonderful her massages were, she didn’t have to ask me twice.

She took me to the bedroom-turned-massage-room, a dimly lit cozy space with soft, soothing music playing in the background. The massage table was draped with a crisp sheet, and there was another sheet lying on top of it.

Elaine explained that she was going to heat the massage oil while I undressed. She told me to take off all my clothes except my underwear and to lie face down on the table. She said to cover myself with the extra sheet and to relax with my face in the “cradle,” a padded headrest at the end of the table.

She left and closed the door behind her.

I did as she’d instructed. I settled myself face down onto the table, covering my body with the sheet.

Wait? What?!

Moments later I heard the door open then close after her. Although she said nothing, I could sense her approach the massage table.

It was my first experience with a full-body massage, and I was feeling curious but comfortable. My breathing fell in sync with the tranquil music, and I wondered if I might even nod off to sleep mid-massage.

That thought was gone the next instant as I was suddenly jolted from my meditative state. What I experienced seemed almost lightning bolt electrifying.

There was no mistaking it. On the back of my neck I felt a soft, nuzzling kiss!


Fortunately, the extraordinarily uncomfortable feeling that had come over me lasted only a few seconds. It ended soon because, fortunately, the kiss was followed by a little giggle from the kisser herself, who turned out to be my wife.

Whoa! After the initial shock of it all, I was eventually able to slow my breath and even to finally manage a weak chuckle myself.

That day I learned something new about my mother-in-law. She was, I came to realize, quite the playful prankster. Instead of coming into the massage room herself, she had sent my wife with specific instructions on how to shake things up for me that day.

Before, I had always enjoyed my reputation as a practical joker. I was the one who generally pulled things over on other people. That day, however, I was on the receiving end. I was the one who was completely duped.

She really got me good with that one!

And even now, years later, I still miss her devilish sense of humor.

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