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Guest writer: I’ll leave the light on for you

Guest writer: I’ll leave the light on for you

By Judie Henry, July 2019. Judie is a dear friend of Nancy Kidd’s through their mutual love of the written word. Kitty came into my life when I was about 5 years old, a gift from my parents. She is knit with gray yarn, 10 inches high, and she wears a timeless red and white polka dot dress with red rick-rack trim, and she’s blessed with an ever-present, loving smile.  She has made all our moves with me, from Minnesota to…

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Memories sound just like a book in the works

Memories sound just like a book in the works

I just said goodbye to an old friend, knowing full well our paths are unlikely to cross again. We met 34 years ago, and we remained quite close until our recent parting. And though this friend is not a living being, I’m keenly aware of the debt of gratitude I owe it. This friend is my piano. I didn’t think I’d be so sentimental about bidding it farewell, but as our time together grew short, I found myself recalling the highlights…

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Dear friend’s departure means relief from cancer’s grasp

Dear friend’s departure means relief from cancer’s grasp

For my friend Connie, that recent Sunday was a day of joyous celebration. It was a baby shower for her daughter and her first grandchild, a baby girl scheduled to arrive in October. The party had been planned for several weeks, and family came from far and wide to share in the happy time. Then the very next day, within the same four walls that had beheld such blissfulness, everything shifted dramatically. Without missing a beat, the euphoric highs for…

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Pandemic and all, minister’s words resonate graveside

Pandemic and all, minister’s words resonate graveside

It was a sacred day. The minister had said it was, and to all of us gathered at my father’s graveside, it truly felt that way. On that beautiful, sunshiny spring morning, my siblings and our spouses had met outside the funeral home. From there we would accompany Dad’s body on its final journey. The official funeral home car with its yellow flashing lights led the way, and the hearse followed. The rest of us fell in behind for the…

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Sounds, memories surround well-loved man’s final hours

Sounds, memories surround well-loved man’s final hours

When he first entered the hospital, he’d been identified as a “DNR” patient—do not resuscitate. It seemed like a natural path to choose, given his advanced years, his declining physical state, and his dementia. The decision had actually been made a couple years ago, and that was a good thing. After all, who wants to make that choice while in the throes of a health crisis? But now that we were there, the strength of that conviction was wavering. Ten…

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What do we pray for? For Dad and for our world?

What do we pray for? For Dad and for our world?

The news was bad. I should have realized it was bad when my sister made an unexpected siblings conference call. And especially since she did it just one night after our Easter family Zoom session. Moments before, she’d received a call from the assisted living facility where our dad resides. The staff had heard his cries for help and discovered him lying on his bathroom floor. An ambulance trip to the local hospital. X-rays. A fractured left hip. Another ambulance…

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A return to writing after loss upon loss

A return to writing after loss upon loss

A note from Nancy: When I wrote the following post, we were living in a different time. We’d heard of the coronavirus, but we only knew it from a distance. Now, this deadly virus has taken hold in nearly every corner of the world.   Because of the pandemic, our lifestyles have been altered significantly. What has not changed, however, is our basic human need to show love to one another—not just to those in our inner circle, but to…

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The lure of the to-do list is possible to resist

The lure of the to-do list is possible to resist

“Why don’t you set aside your ‘to-do’ list from time to time?”a spiritual adviser recently suggested to me. “Try focusing less on all the tasks you want to check off. Instead, make more of an effort to listen to your inner voice, and just do whatever inspires you in the moment.” I understand the idea is to merely “be” and let life unfold spontaneously as it should. If I could quit trying to “do” so much, I might have less…

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Airplane full of strangers looks on in love

Airplane full of strangers looks on in love

“May I have your attention, please?”the voice over the loudspeaker announced. “Very soon we’ll begin boarding our flight from Sacramento to Denver. But first, folks, I’d like to introduce a special guest traveling with us today.” At that point the gate agent introduced the youngster next to her, a darling girl wearing a tiara. We learned the girl and her family were headed for a Disney cruise, compliments of the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I’d noticed the group of family members earlier….

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Devices’ draw doesn’t have to be all-consuming

Devices’ draw doesn’t have to be all-consuming

I acknowledge I have addiction problems. My issues are not with alcohol or drugs. No, my addiction is to technology—television and all my other electronic devices.   Compared to some, I suppose, I don’t watch a lot of TV. Still, it is turned on, at some point, every single day at our house. I’ve gotten into the habit of watching it nearly every evening after dinner. My computer? I use it daily. There’s email, Facebook, recipe websites, weather updates, shopping…

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