Dearest one, you gave so much to us all for so long

Dearest one, you gave so much to us all for so long

I’ve known her all my life. For a time in the early years, I looked at her with eyes full of wonder. And then I didn’t. Moving through childhood, my focus shifted to all the joys and pains of my own development. I became so wrapped up in my own self that I seldom noticed her presence. I was generally unaware of her unless it was to complain about how she’d somehow unintentionally interrupted my personal agenda. Regretfully, I confess…

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Life’s moments have a way of intertwining hearts

Life’s moments have a way of intertwining hearts

Oh, the tears! So many tears! They’d been anticipating this day for several weeks, and they’d fully expected the emotional flooding that would come with it. What they’d not prepared for, however, was this. Not these tears. Not on this day. No, not like this. For this older couple, it began at 5 a.m. when they awoke suddenly to the sounds of their aged dog’s labored breathing. In the early morning hours, they cuddled her in their arms then lay…

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Mission: Regain sense of awe for life around me

Mission: Regain sense of awe for life around me

It’s happening again! Something I read a few years ago has been regularly resurfacing in my mind. From previous experience I’ve learned those thoughts are not likely to go anywhere until I give them some attention. And because the timing now feels so right, I’m ready to put in the effort. In one of his books, Father Gregory Boyle references Julian of Norwich, who said that the truest and most authentic spiritual life was one that produced three things: awe,…

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New chapter tinged with myriad memories

New chapter tinged with myriad memories

He first appeared in our lives 20-plus years ago. It was as we were building a new home in a small, neighboring community. During construction, my husband and I, along with our two young boys, frequently drove out evenings and weekends. We wanted to check on the progress and to do our part of cleaning up the construction site. That’s where he showed up. He was a friendly towheaded 6-year-old, full of vim and vigor, an undeniable impish gleam in…

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Are you fine? Really? Are you sure?

Are you fine? Really? Are you sure?

A short time back, my three sisters and I spent an evening together via Zoom. One of them kicked off the conversation by asking, “How’s everybody doing?” “I’m fine!” I answered immediately. Funny how, when the question was posed, we all seemed quick to default to that pat answer. Even so, none of our responses sounded very convincing. Compared to many others, I am truly fine. I have no serious health concerns. I have a comfortable home, plenty to eat,…

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Crashing a funeral never felt so good

Crashing a funeral never felt so good

Tap-tap-tap. I rapped lightly on the driver’s window. The glass lowered, and the driver peered at me, a puzzled look on her face. I spoke directly to her passenger, the young widower who’d just exited the church following his wife’s funeral. They were preparing to go to the cemetery for the burial. Although I knew his four young children were seated behind him in the minivan, my focus remained fixed solely on him. “Hi Nolan*. I’m here on behalf of Robert,”…

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Who’s ready for joyful hugs to make their comeback?

Who’s ready for joyful hugs to make their comeback?

He started coming to my home when he was just 5 years old. Every week he showed up for a half-hour piano lesson, usually accompanied by one of his parents. For several years I taught piano in the evenings after my regular daytime teaching gig at the detention center. So many great memories from that period! All my piano students were wonderful. I enjoyed their distinctive personalities, and I loved watching them progress and evolve. The thing that stood out…

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Mom’s love lives on through therapeutic stories

Mom’s love lives on through therapeutic stories

Molly K. Martin is a dear friend of Nancy’s who found a way to gather and share the good, even around great loss. Experience her stories. “Steve, I’m headed outside to set up,” I call out to my husband. It’s 7 p.m. on June 23, 2016. On beautiful summer evenings like this one, Steve and I move to our patio to enjoy the outdoors. My cell phone rings. It’s my daughter-in-law of almost eight months, Stacey. “Molly, is Steilyn with…

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Just breathe when you take on the tough stuff

Just breathe when you take on the tough stuff

One of my beloved sisters just celebrated a special birthday. Approaching a milestone five years ago, she’d made big plans to spend it with her husband and children. When Mom passed away suddenly just a couple weeks before the anticipated celebration, all thoughts of party plans fell by the wayside. The focus shifted to grieving and caring for our father. A quick five years later found this same sister at the door of another significant birthday. Again, she’d hoped to…

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Guest blog: Dark days don’t have to dominate

Guest blog: Dark days don’t have to dominate

A small band of elastic on my wrist keeps me from letting tough times get the better of me. It helped me – for the most part – break a dark habit that gripped me for decades. From both her website and mindset, Karla Freeze peddles positivity. I’m so grateful she does. My first Refocus Band is one of her favorites. On one side, it features the bright colors of her Positivity Place logo. The other simply says, “Positive Attracts…

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