Spring is so close you can almost feel it

Spring is so close you can almost feel it

Photo by Laura Pratt on Unsplash

One morning last week I sat at my desk to focus on writing. Just as I closed my eyes and began my ritual of settling into silence, I was surprised to feel the morning sunshine pouring over me.

Oh, the blessed gift of that welcome warmth! I allowed myself some time to absorb and appreciate its magnificence, and then I turned my focus to breath. The next moment, the sound of a robin just outside my window diverted my attention. It had been so long since I’d heard such chirping, and it was coming from only a few feet away.

I suppose I could have been irritated by the distraction because it had interfered with my meditation, but I wasn’t. Instead, I took it as a personal message. In my mind the robin was speaking directly to me. “How many clues do you need,” he asked, “before you wake up and pay attention to what’s happening?”

And just like that I came to realize how close we now are to spring.

Another winter is on its way out, and I for one, am not sorry to see it go.

It won’t be long until we can toss aside the heavy winter clothing. As we do, we’ll also find ourselves shedding those emotional blahs brought on by the cold and darkness of the long winter. Our bodies as well as our spirits will feel lighter.

Windows will soon be opening, and we’ll air out our homes. We’ll breathe in the sweet fresh air, and our foggy minds will begin to clear.

The hours of daylight will continue to increase, and as they do, it seems they will magically fuel our energy.

As nature awakens to rebirth, our own hearts will feel rejuvenated. Taking in the budding flowers and trees, we’ll yearn for our own new growth. Bluer skies and the palette of color about to bloom in nature will uplift us.

The taste of spring that morning was a mere teaser, I realize.

We haven’t heard the last of winter. But that wonderful day held a precious gift—the gift of hope inexplicably restored. For when spring finally does arrive, the hope it offers through new possibilities and new life will be undeniable.

“Thank you, Mr. Robin, for the wake-up call!”

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